Monday, December 7, 2009


I went to see Armored this weekend. The one with Matt Dillon and Fred Ward. I enjoyed it quite a bit, despite the obvious glaring planning errors. If only they had called me to plan it first - nothing would have gone wrong.

So, the question is...who thinks that the heist they were talking about that occurred in 1988 was them? They said they didn't take enough money, so maybe this time they knew better. Still, if it had been them, wouldn't there have been a record of them being involved? And don't you think that would have been a bit suspicious if it occurred again? Flaw 1. But maybe it wasnt them the first time - maybe that just gave them the idea.

Flaw 2 - who doesn't check out the building first to be sure it is empty?
Flaws 3 & 4 - who would drink when the first thing they would be checking would be blood for drugs and alcohol? and who would shoot, knowing that the guns would most likely be tested for firing? Ok, still, it was good.

Flaw 5 - when offered the choice to come out of the truck, and share in the 42M, or stay in the truck and be killed when they get to you - or at the very least go to jail when the cops got there because how would you not be implicated at that point? Not to mention there is a dead homeless guy.

Ok - other than all that, I really liked it. There was time to show why the character would have made the choice he did to join. But that brings me to Flaw 6. He did it to save his home and keep his brother out of foster care. Wouldn't it be a bit suspicious to suddenly get enough money to save the house? He mentioned getting nasty letters from the bank, so obviously he was not going to be able to sit on the money for a year or so.

At the end, when it was all wrapping up, I mentioned to my movie partner that all he had to do is keep his mouth shut and no one would know that he was in the planning of it. And lo and behold what happened? He was considered a hero and would get a reward, thereby saving his house and everything else.

Still, if I were him, I would be looking for another job.

I wish there were people out there that could find this and respond to it. I really want to know if others like movies just for enjoyment as I do. Find me!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Old Dogs and Amelia

Hello all you non-followers!

Even though I have no followers, I am still going to post anyway. I like to get my thoughts down on paper, and this is one place where I can give my opinion and not have anyone tell me I cant!

This weekend I managed to see a couple of films. I saw Old Dogs and Amelia. One was ok, and one was pretty disappointing. Guess which was which?

Ok - Amelia was not very good. It was very slow and disjointed in the beginning and only finally gained some life at the very end. However, most of it was just boring. It was interesting to see the media machine at work - a precursor to the frenzy that today's celebrities go through. While most people know that Amelia was the first woman to make a transatlantic flight, how many knew that she was not actually flying the plane, but was just a passenger? Also, that she was married to the person who published her book and made her the star she was?

Knowing all the little details, such as the money it took to get the plane she would attempt to fly across the world? Still, those few interesting facts could not make up for the long, boring other parts of the film. Definitely NOT going to be an Oscar nomination for Hilary Swank this time! I actually enjoyed Richard Gere's performance much more. He showed a nice array of emotion, and it was all believable to me. As for those who were upset at the ending...really? Did you think that maybe this time she was going to make it? You are the same people who thought Valkyrie would end differently, aren't you? Or Titanic?

Old Dogs was not something I will be running out to buy on DVD, but it was worth the matinee price for a few laughs. John Travolta was a bit uncomfortable to watch trying to be the "cool dude". Still, when he turned on the serious face, such as standing by his friend to the end, those are the moments when he shone.

As for Robin Williams, he pulled off the not-quite-so-funny-as-usual role quite well. I liked seeing him be funny, but at the same time be serious. The whole running gag of them being the grandfathers instead of the parent was nice, but not overdone. It was really a G comedy, and I think kids will really like it, and adults will enjoy it, but don't go to it looking for gut-busters, or ribald Williams humor. It is not there at all. And I have to say, the Travolta daughter was a sweetie!

Well, if you find me, let me know what you think!