Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blind Sided in 2012

All right, so no one has found me yet. I am not sure what I have to do in order to get feedback, but I will wait a while and see if I get anything by then.

In the meantime...I saw Blind Side and 2012 this weekend. My critiques are as follows:

Blind Side - this was a not unpleasant 2 hours, but there were some points that were just left hanging. I think a little more conflict would have been nice, too. After all, did anyone NOT think he was going to choose Ol' Miss? Really? Now having him choose Tennessee would have been sweet, but as it was BASED on a true story, I suppose that would not have been fair. I really did like Sandra Bullock - all smart and sassy, and Tim McGraw was a nice treat, but still, those hanging parts...

For example, they see Michael's brother in the restaurant. No explanations. No asking to meet him. No inviting him over. Not even a name??? Come on! And if he hasn't seen his brother since he was very small, would he really have even recognized him? No clue either as to who all those people in the Projects were. Why did the one seem to be sympathetic to him? How was Ms. Tuohy able to find his mother, and why didn't she tell Michael about it? When she told her friends that Michael had changed her I certainly didn't see any change in her life, other than having another kid around.

As for 2012 - since the whole thing is one unbelievable thing, you cant pick it apart too much. After all, if you can believe the whole world is coming to an end, why cant you believe that a plane can land on a glacier or someone with no experience can help land that plane. If you can suspend your belief, and just go with it, it was enjoyable. It was a bit slow here and there, but mostly kept it's pace and kept me entertained. And John Cusack is always nice to watch!

Well, everyone else, what did you think?

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